Friday, September 23, 2005

Musharraf and Saddam Hussein

Rapists and bastards

Pakistan’s General Musharraf may be soft on rapists but he is America’s man, says Nicholas D. Kristof. Kristof is regarded by some as a most conscientious columnist of The New York Times. This is what he wrote in one of his recent columns, “Lining up to be raped?”

“The irony is that while he's a nitwit on social issues, Musharraf has proved himself to be a good economic manager, and the 7 percent growth rates generated by his reforms will help undermine fundamentalism and sexual violence in the long run. During his U.S. visit, Musharraf pressed for a free-trade area between the United States and Pakistan, and that's a great idea to promote Pakistan's development.”

So forgive his tirade against women?

Kristof is no less confused about right and wrong than is Phil Donahue, the ex-TV talk show host, who was de-throned from his national perch by Operah Winfrey long ago. In a shouting match with Bill O’ Reilly, Donahue said about Saddam Hussein what Kristof said about Musharraf: "Saddam was a bastard. But he was OUR bastard, just look at the pictures of Rumsfeld shaking his hand."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    No doubt emboldened by Musharraf's remark, a new warrant for arrest has been issued for the latest rape victim to go public - Sonia Naz's crime? She is required to appear on charges that she attended the National Assembly without proper documentation - the offense that got resulted in her detention and rape in the first place!
    Not only has the President/General proven his disregard for women in this fourth world country where life is cheap and women's lives negligible in value, but Sonia's husband has filed for divorce and thrown her out as she brought shame on the family by getting herself raped - despite the fact that her husband's apparent abduction and misuse by powerful people was the reason she went to the National Assembly in the first place - to seek justice when she had nowhere else to turn.
    Turns out there is no place to turn in Pakistan if you're female, and the US doesn't let little things like women's rights influence State Dept. policy -as long as Musharraf is an American ally on the war against terrorism, Pakistan is free to wage their own war against women.


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